
The Gospel of Sadhu Sundar Singh

The Gospel of Sadhu Sundar Singh


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Mysticism is a big word. Yet, it could be described as a way of life, a lifestyle, that simply witnesses to the possibility of being connected to life’s source. That source we call God. A person that seeks and experiences the presence of God in all things, rather then chasing the many good gifts of God, is called a mystic. (NIV) Matthew 7:22-23 says: Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ The gift of all gift is to receive God Himself. To know him and to be fully known by him. The mystics of the past and present testify to that reality by the fruit that comes from a life lived in the awareness and communion of Gods presence. So in general we can identify a mystic by his or her unchanging inner peace, by the “dying to self” in all circumstances, by a life of repentance, gentleness, love, joy and care for others. The way that is in general described of leading towards God seems to be a life of poverty or simplicity, chastity and complete surrender of ones own will. For sure everything depends after all on Gods grace that even leads us to the path of desiring Him instead of good things and virtues. There might be a mystic in you and me. I hope these scriptures will help you to identify that anything that drives and pulls you in life, is actually the deep hidden hunger for God, that rises out of each living soul. For the soul yearns towards its re-connection to its maker. Sundar Singh seems to be one of the greatest examples of all times, witnessing to the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Weight .200 kg


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